Execution Versus Strategic Measures
I have a very clear image of a Sales Manager full of good intent, passionate and determined, standing in front of his Sales Team outlining their revenue target for the quarter (a strategic measure). His team waits in anticipation for some direction or discussion on “How” to achieve the target, what they need to focus on or change…but nothing comes. The meeting closes with, “Go for it guys…good luck”.
This happens and not just with sales teams. The overall objective (Strategic Measure) is set but there is a distinct lack of direction on the most important part – the “how”. What action will we take? How will the team need to behave to achieve this target?
This is the Execution part and to do it well you have to identify “Execution Measures”.
Once a measurement is highlighted people will tend to adjust their behaviour around that number. In our efforts to direct our teams we have to think carefully about exactly what behaviour we want and then identify a measure specific to that behaviour.
Let’s say a sales manager is concerned about the level of Sales activity or the number of calls the team are making. An easy execution measure might be 6 Calls per Day.
It could be though, that the sales activity of 6 calls per day has already been achieved so you could be more specific…6 Call per day on our “A” class customers. Or even more specific, 6 calls per day on “A” class customers where the Sales Opportunity is greater that $4,000.
You could even work on the quality of those sales calls by identifying the 5 Key topics that need to be covered in every call.
This point is, all results are delivered by activity and behaviour. If you identify and manage behaviour you can influence the result.
The most effective way to do this is to have clear Execution Measures….and make them visible (Visibility drives accountability and removes any degree of doubt about what a team or an individual are focused on).
Giving your team clear objectives is critical but if you don’t help them with guidance on “how” – you are selling them short. It is a bit like a coach standing before a team prior to a game and saying, “Come on Team we have to win!”. “Well yes”, the players are thinking, “We get that coach. What else.”
Find the actions and behaviour that lead to the result and measure it. Watch your team improve dramatically …by identifying Execution Measures and making them visible.
Have a great week!
Mark Bragg & Martin West