Mark & I are really excited to let you know that we are launching an online leadership coaching course! ...based on the 5 biggest lessons we’ve learnt over the last 20 years that impact leadership performance.
The goal:
Help you improve as a leader...and never become the limit on your team’s performance.
This 6 week course is designed for us to walk side by side with you as you implement in real-time the 5 lessons we’ve found extremely valuable for leaders and their teams.
Each course has a maximum of 12 participants.
Each week you’ll receive:
A video lesson from Mark & I,
Practical tasks for you to execute with your team,
A group zoom coaching call with us.
1 on 1 support from us
Click below to find out more (spaces left, content & price)
Mark Bragg is a Performance and Leadership Coach with over 40 years of experience.
Over the past two decades he has worked as an Executive Coach in multiple business disciplines and industries in 23 countries.
In recent years, he has been working in San Francisco, Hong Kong, Dublin and Sydney with Emerging Australian entrepreneurs.
Martin is a facilitator to leadership teams & executive coach. For 17 years Martin has worked with clients across many industries in the US, Asia & Australia with a specific focus on building healthy successful teams. Martin’s passion is to facilitate conversations with client CEO’s and teams to help identify and overcome roadblocks impacting performance or team cohesion.
Prior to this Martin spent 15 years in the Australian Airforce as an F/A-18 Fighter Pilot and instructor.